Collection: Series #2 Signature Massage Ritual Training
Series #2
This 3 part Massage Ritual training is held by mentoring and sacred space to explore three fully prepared and luscious Spa Rituals, for skilful practitioners to be inspired into their highest potential.
Our focus in this Second Series is creating Space Pause and Ground
with 3 full body rituals - Equilibrium, The Empress and The Alchemist which can be individually added to your treatment menu as complete bodies of work - fusing your own skills and Elevating your Practise with Elixirs, new techniques, modalities and sustainable practise. Fully supported by our mentors!
Each Massage Ritual Training is full day of training at House of Shemana, or at your own space ( see facilitator fees) learning the complete bodywork sequences. Pre Requisites for this series are min 2 year study and min year in practise.
Equilibrium is highlighted by Hot & Cold Stone Therapy, Luxurious Massage and Ritual Serum Face Massage.
The Empress is highlighted by subtle Cranio facial bone work, Heart and Abdominal Massage
The Alchemist is highlighted by Myo Fascia Alignment, Mandara Massage Mentoring and sacred Anointing
Each day is stand alone but together they will take your practise to the next level with committed mentoring, mastery of your gifts, new techniques and elixir enhancements.
by application or invitation!
contact us direct to discuss your prerequisites.